Thursday, November 1, 2007

Beta results!



Didn't I say it might be near that? Whatever. I don't even know why I'm so anxious for this level to be zero, I mean, I know I'm not pregnant anymore, and I'm not sure why it even matters.
The nurse on the phone said "With a beta of 17, I'd expect on a couple more weeks before it's zero"
Uh, ok. Fine. In fact, 2 more weeks would put me near when AF is due, and from things I've read, you need to have a beta of 0 to have AF, so maybe that makes sense? Who knows.
It'll probably be something like 6 next week, and frankly I don't even know if I'll go back after that. I mean, seriously. I'm sick of seeing the people at the lab, I'm sick of having the same place on my arm stabbed. I'm sick of wearing pads. I'm sick of it all!!

DH and I were talking about HOW LONG this whole thing has been. It's taken SO much time from my dang LIFE! It's so true. I guess I can't do anything anyway, with the whole TTC thing until AF comes anyway, but it's still annoying. I just wish I was at a big fat goose egg -- again, it's weird wishing my beta was zero.
Oh well. Hurry up and wait... all the time.

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