Friday, November 16, 2007

Last and *FINAL* beta #!

So, my beta yesterday - one week from last one was


They said I didn't need to go back! (duh) I'm SO happy this is OVER! I'm still amazed how long it has taken me to get back to zero, and how SLOW the last couple have gone down. It went down SO fast in the beginning, but then again - I was bleeding pretty hard after the m/c, and only spotting really since, so I can kind of see why/how.

They reminded me "make sure to use back-up b/c until you have one normal period" And also told me what I already know is that you won't get your period until your beta is 0. So, now I guess I wait. Wait for A/F to start. That should be fun times, eh? So, I'm happy. At least this part is over, and really I have next to no hcg left in me. Weird...

Well, I don't know what else to say. This has been a looooong journey, and a painful one at that. I'll probably be closing this part of my blog, and just leaving it here for others to read. Unless I have something important to add here, I'll be posting on my other one - I just have to get it up and running. I want to thank everyone who emailed me with words of encouragement, and support. Going through this for the first time was awful and I was so lost. Thank you!



PatientlyWaitingMary said...

I'm so happy for you! Now if we could just get the "cycle" to be normal my life could really start getting normal again!

Great Big Hugs!


Sandy said...

I just wanted to say thank you for posting your journey. I was trying to decide whether to wait the miscarriage out or to go for a D&C.

Ultimately the length of time that it took for you to recover made me choose the D&C. We lost out on a family cruise due to this and I wasn't going to jeopardize our Caribbean vacation in a month.

Your site helped me make that decision so much easier than if I had to choose it alone. I admire your strength and stamina throughout the process. Thank you for everything you wrote.


ll_l said...

seriously, this has been some of the best information i could have asked for. thanks you for posting about your experience. i've been trying to complete this process the natural way...

Lina said...

I cannot tell you how grateful I am for your blog here. I am currently going thru this experience, and have been horrified because I was totally unprepared for what was going to happen to me. Thankyou for your honesty (& photos!) I feel more 'normal' now, and nowhere near so scared. Thankyou. So much.

MSChaz said...

Thank you thank you thank you for leaving this blog up and accessible. I know you would understand the hell I am in right now, waiting to m/c. I tried to do it at home when I had a m/c last year, and ended up in the er. I think I just went into a panic because I too thought it would just be "cramps." Never did I expect contractions. It was awful-- the whole thing, the d&c, the whole thing. Now that I've read your blog I feel stronger and know what to expect, and even, thanks to you, what it will look like. That is more helpful than I can even tell you.
Thank you so much.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for your informative blog with several sections of TMI (no such thing when you're sitting here at 4 weeks past the missed miscarriage diagnosis and don't know what to expect or WHEN!) I was online researching d&c stuff (and like you, I am terrified of being put under!) thinking that if nothing happened by this coming weekend, that would be my only option. The waiting is horrible, and apparently what we're waiting for is almost as bad... but at least I know now. I wasn't able to find any good information, other than the horror stories you mentioned. I have been angry at having to make a choice, and I just want my body to do it naturally. But even my doctor couldn't tell me how long I'd be waiting or how long would be safe to wait (he said he's never had anyone wait longer than a month before then opting for a d&c.) I'll continue to wait. I've got my two little boys (3 1/2 and 1 1/2) at home with me and it's scary to think about being out of commission when they might need me. That adds to the drain of this whole situation. Anyway, thank you so much for your information. It has really been a great help to me.


NHMomma said...


First, I hope this finds you in a much happier place, a year and some months later. I just stumbled upon your blog.

This is my 6th miscarriage. And your writing was so refreshing. It was like reading my thought patterns. My first miscarriage I was uninformed, it was my first pregnancy. I had no HB at 7 weeks, no HB at 8 weeks, and the OB kept stringing me along. Told me to go to an Abortion clinic at 10 weeks. I was out of my mind with anger, depression. I went and found an OB who did a D&C. For numerous reasons, I look back at being a horrible experience. It was not the easy way out in any means. My second pregnancy, I could have written your story. Found HB at 8 weeks, but no clue things stopped that week, and then I started bleeding at 10. Had a very similar experience to yours, a good 12 hours of labor and then the afterpains for days. And yes, it took forever for my beta to drop, and I did not get my period till I was about 9 weeks out. I did go on to have one sucessful pregnancy that ended in traumatic c/s in 2005. Due to all my "bad" luck "work up for recurrent losses shown nothing wrong" and the emotional hell pregnancy, delivery, postpartum, I wated three years to try again. Sadly, I have had three miscarriages (two were more like late periods with hell cramps) and now I am one week two days out of a diagnosis of an anembreonic pregnancy. So I am waiting. Waiting with the same decisions faced by you, D&C, Cytotec, or keep waiting. It is a hell I wish no one to go through.
I appreciate your sharing, and the TMI, well you were right, we did not sign up for this and it is TMI from the begining.

Again, I hope this finds you in a better place. I hope that I will find a better place.

niceberg said...

thank you so much for sharing this... my husband and i are awaiting our mc. my emotional state is pretty crazy right now as i go from deep sadness to anticipation within minutes... and then guilt. again, thank you.

denver b&m

Anonymous said...

i dont know if you'll get this but i am going through a similiar experience. i never saw a "baby" just an empty sac. i am waiting. i was only given 2 weeks. after that theyll schedule the d&c. it took you 3weeks?!!!!????. you have literlally taken the words out of my brain. thanks for providing such real information.
good luck!

SarahMKE said...

I want to thank you for leaving this blog up and active. It helps me so much to read this. I have been miscarrying since Saturday morning, with the majority of it done Sunday evening-Monday morning. I,like you, chose to do this naturally and declined the D&C. There were moments I thought I was crazy for doing so, but I'm so glad I allowed my body to finish what we had started 11 weeks ago. No one prepares you for how gory and painful and exhausting it is, but your comments and experience help me feel united to women who have gone through this and made it. This was our first pregnancy and we were so excited. I remain hopeful that we will have a family, and I'm hopeful this bleeding subsides in the near future. Wearing pads is just not fun!
Again, thank you for your honest and brave reflections of your experience. They have helped me find peace this moment.
I'm so sorry for your loss.


becca said...

I just had to write a comment having found your blog. Not only did I cry but I also laughed out loud in places. All important emotions. Thank you so much for your honesty and for the photos.

I've been waiting 2 weeks and 3 days since I was told that at a 13w scan that the baby was size of 7w and there was no heart beat.

I read your entire blog and you've mapped out my emotional journey over the past 2 weeks - all the questions I've asked myself, everything thats crossed my mind. I've started some spotting 2 days ago and now its stopped again. Which is what drove me to google delayed miscarriages and I found your blog.

It's helped me get some perspective and renew trust that my body can do it naturally. I have a scan on Tuesday and I hope I don't get too much pressure to have a D&C. I feel I need to go through this process myself - this is very important to me.

Your blog has been such a gift and I can't thank you enough for leaving it up. x

cricketw44 said...

Just want to thank you for leaving this up!

Jennyfur said...

I am so thankful you shared your m/c story! I'm waiting for one and I had no idea what to expect. You provided more info that my own doc did. I want to call my doc on Monday and rip her a new asshole for not informing me about some things. I mean, really - the things you suggested to have on hand. I would have never though of those things. I wonder though, when it happens, should I go to the ER?

SR Smith said...

Thank you. Very much.

Suzy said...

Thank you for posting this. I am waiting for a miscarraige at 10 weeks after a blighted ovum at 6 weeks. I started to spot today and wanted to get some more info.

As you disovered the information out there is either so melodramatic or so curt and clinical that it doesn't really help.
Your post (which I read alternating between laughter and horror) really helped me get a grip on things. My miscarraige won't be pretty (and yes, I did look at one of your pictures lol), but I can cope with it.

Thank you.

I hope your efforts to conceive have been more positive since you wrote this. x

Heather Alnes said...

I'm waiting right now and scared too and reading your blog was comforting in a way. I feel better informed, better prepared. Knowing that someone else has been as scared as I am right now and managed to get through this kind of experience is helpful to hear. This has been the most helpful thing I've found on the web and I think I can pull myself away from the computer now. Thank you so much.

wannabemama said...

I want to first say that I'm very sorry about your loss. But, at the same time I am so glad that you blogged about this. I have been there and I know what all of that feels like. The bleeding, cramping/contractions, and all that. I have had 6 m/c and each one was very different but somewhat the same. It helps to know that I wasn't "weird" in what happened to me.

susanesque said...

I am very grateful for your blog and that you've left it accessible years later. I have been bleeding since Dec 5th and only just started passing tissue the last few days. This has been so difficult and it sucks. I have been terrified and my OB is distant at best. You've given me some peace of mind that my experience is normal, and that I'm not going to die of blood loss. Thank you so much for this blog. I pray all has gone well for you and your family since this terrible episode in your life.


ruffmama said...

Thank you so much for this blog. It is a great comfort to me to read your story and know that I am not alone. Thanks for the laughs and the tears ...and the photos too. HUGS TO YOU!

Royalty said...

I want to say thank you for leaving this blog up and for the insightful, real and honest account of your experience.

I went for a scan on Friday (3 days ago) and was told that they were unable to detect a heartbeat and I am going to miscarry. I should have been 10 weeks, but apparently the baby stopped developing at 8 weeks also.

I too have been given 3 choices, and have chosen to wait - though I'm not sure how long I can wait, as I have felt nothing so far! The waiting is so painful and distressing and I have been going through all kinds of emotions (and it's only been 3 days) - and yes, a part of me was hopeful - but I find that is also painful. Your blog has really helped me and now I know what to expect, as I have been finding it so hard to get information.

Once again, thank you for sharing and for keeping this blog up. I long to hear where you are at now, as I can't wait to TTC again. My DH and I have been trying for almost 2 years, and this was our first.

Royalty said...


Again thank you for this blog - it really really helped me. I'm not sure if you will ever read this, but you inspired me to write my own story. I commented 2 weeks ago that I was waiting to miscarry and your story helped me to know what to expect. I am happy to report that I miscarried last week, and like you, I survived!!!

I have shared my story as I know everyone is different - and if anyone is interested, you can read it here -

Good luck ladies.

wounded said...

I want to start by saying thank you so sharing your experience so openly. It was comforting for me, since I just found out yesterday that my fetus stopped developing at 6weeks. I am resistant to the D&C and your posts have given me some hope that my body can do this on it's own. Thank you for the pictures and the detailed posts =)

wounded said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Buladi said...

I want to say thank you for leaving this blog up and for the insightful, real and honest account of your experience.
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Anonymous said...

Hi. I don't know if you still read your blog but I just to thank you for all the information you share whit us. Im having a miscarriage myself right now I was diagnose whit a missed miscarriage 30 days ago and I only start spotting last week but on Tuesday everything change I feel very weird and this horrible pains start coming and going nothing like a period more strong than that and then I could hardly get to the toilet but when I did I seat and nothing will come out! and then back to bed then after like 3 hrs of horrible pain I when back to the toilet because i have the feeling of dropping something and some water came out of me and the pain right there when away, but I didn't have no tissue not clothing coming out so it has being 2 days whit some pain on my lower back and my Dr say that maybe this weekend I will past the tissue and the rest. but Im so scare of get those cramps back IS HELL!!!! and like you I wont have a D&C.

Anyways ty so very much for you blog and did you get ti have a 3 child? just wondering this is my 4 miscarriage and I have a stillborn baby girl any ways I hope everything is good at your end.


GreenTea said...

Thank you so much for this blog. I'm waiting for my miscarriage and considering the options. This blog is the best thing I've read about miscarriage. You sum up, so well, how i am feeling. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Suzanne said...

I want to thank you also. I had an us at 7w5d showing no hb and an enlarged yolk sac. Follow up at 9w show same thing, but "fetal pole not defined". I'm 10w today and have had zero spotting or cramping yet. Still nauseated and sore breasts. The wait is killing me but your blog was very informative.

Margaret said...

Thank you for writing this blog, I am trying to be patient and it is Hard. I had a m/c 2 weeks ago and am still, offf and on, passing clots. Everything I read says call the dr if bleeding for more than 2 weeks, glad to know it can take longer and still be fine.

Unknown said...

Thank you for your candidness on this topic. I was comforted by every detail. I'm having a miscarriage at this very moment and I'm shocked at the stuff coming out, wondering if I I'm losing more than what is normal. This blog put me at serious ease. Wish you all the best.

Cherise South said...

All I can say is thank you.

Julie said...

Wow! So many years later and this blog is still doing so much for us out here in Internet land! I am waiting to miscarry after finding out the baby died at about 13 weeks. I'm supposed to be about 14 1/2 weeks. Found no heartbeat 3 days ago. Anyway, reading your thoughts and story, as well as everyone's comments, has been so comforting and empowering. Thank you!

Naomi Campbell said...

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