Wednesday, October 24, 2007

11 days past m/c

Well, today is Wednesday. 11 days past my miscarriage. I'm still having dark brown/some red spotting, but not much of a heavy flow anymore.
I went in today at 2pm for my next beta draw. I'll find out tomorrow morning what that # is. I hope that it's lower than 251! I don't know what to expect in terms of how fast it's going to go down or what, because I went 3.5 weeks without one, and it went from 51K to 251, I never went in right before the m/c, so I just don't know how fast it actually went down or what? I'm kind of anxious to see how low it is. Wouldn't that be cool if it was like negative NOW? lol I'm wishful thinking I think. I seriously doubt it's even under 50, but you never know. It seems like it takes so long for that dang number to go down from what I've read. Who knows.....

I'm also wondering when I can expect my next period. That's a big question mark too. I know it could be 4 weeks, but from when? When I stop bleeding all the way, or from the m/c? I've heard to count the start of the actual m/c a period, because essentially that's what it is, right? So, maybe it's 4 weeks from that date? Oh well, another wait and see I suppose.

I'd like to again reiterate, that I am GLAD I did my m/c this way. I would do it this way again if I had to (please no) The waiting wasn't pleasant, but it was easier on me I think. Though I have no clue about the d&c as I've never had one, nor would I want to have one. But I can honestly say that this experience of the actual m/c -- while it sucked, it wasn't as bad as some things I've read. There just is NO easy way to do this, no easy choice to make. We make what feels right at the time, and we have to live with it. I'm glad it's over and I'm ready to move on with this, just have to 1) get my beta under 5, and 2) get my period. I think after those two things I'll consider this all behind me.

I'll post when I get my #'s.

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