Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Proof that googling M/C info is bullshit...

So, I type in

"Clotting after miscarriage"


Here is one example...

Some typed:

"I was diagnosed with complete molar where the sac is disfigured and there was never a fetus. My gynecologist thought I would miscarry without having to have the D&C and sure enough I did. I started bleeding and five days later I actually miscarried. I saw it and it definitely was the sac. A day later I am still bleeding not too heavy, but clots the size of quarters and sometimes bigger. not constantly, but not just a few. Is this normal. I did clot before the actually miscarriage, but I am still clotting. My cramping went away right after I miscarried. Sorry...just a little scared and tired!! "

Here is someones response:

"Answer: No this isn;t normal. The clotting proves that there is still tissue there and I was told anything the size of a 10p or bigger (same size as a quarter) needs to be mentioned and investigated. I have been told this after labour and also after two miscarriages. I did end up having a D&C the day after my last miscarriage though as through scan it was determined I had retained tissue and my womb was still filled with blood. It would be worth mentioning if nothing else but if it is retained tissue causing the clotting it can develop into an infection."

PROVES? You've got to be kidding me.

There were 42,500 responses to my google. This person is convinced that because you clot after m/c you still retain "POC"? Give me a break.

This is why you shouldn't google stuff. I was having very small blood clots since the m/c, and today's were no bigger than dimes, maybe a 5 cent piece, but proves? Come on.....

If anything it proves your cervix is open and the river is flowing (so to speak)

anyway, I'm annoyed...


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