Monday, October 15, 2007

October 15th...

Well, today is the day we remember pregnancy loss... so freakin' ironic. I swear this entire thing if full of irony!
Still bleeding, just like a normal period. Not really any cramping and the contractions seemed to have gone away, though I remember a couple this morning.

Already thinking about TTC..... I'll just save my thoughts on that.

Two days until the big 15th anniversary. Guess I'll definitely never forget our 15th! I'm really anxious about Thursday's U/S. My Dr. called today, said it was fine we wanted to bury the baby, and to come in tomorrow for a beta. I'm kind of excited to see what my level is. It was 51K on the 19th or 20th (can't remember off hand) -- So it's been almost a month, plus with the m/c it's got to be pretty low now.

Well, that's it for now. I'm glad to know that I have this blog for people who are unfortunately in my shoes. I know how horrible it is when you're given the initial diagnosis and you just want to find REAL stories of things, not just horror stories, or simple one liners of how they m/c today.

Thank you to those who read my blog.


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