Tuesday, October 2, 2007

18 days from diagnosis....

Fun times.

So, I sent off a big email to my Dr. today. As usual I asked her a ton of questions. I was curious to see if they used the other "abortion pill" ever to induce a m/c. I can't remember the name, but the street name is RU-486. It blocks HCG and progesterone from your body, and then about 48 hours you use the cytotec. I guess it's more effective than just cytotec alone. Isn't it ironic that after 4 years of Infertility, I'm now researching an ABORTION PILL? Good grief..
I also wanted to ask her about the complications associated with OUR office. How much it works, ect. Also, I notice you shouldn't use it past 8 weeks, and technically I'm 11, but I don't know when the sac stopped growing, or even how big it is, as she never measured it. So, I thought maybe she's grant me one U/S to measure this thing before Friday.
I'd really like to know the size of this thing coming out of me. I have no clue what to expect.

I've got some great advice from others who've had to do this, and some very helpful things. I'm going to make sure DH is here Friday, and he feeds me and pampers me.

Wish me luck.... about 60 hours left.....


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