Tuesday, October 9, 2007

22 days since diagnosis...

That's about 3 weeks, right? I don't know how soon before that u/s the baby stopped growing. I wonder what is a safe time frame to wait out a m/c? Seems like SO many people online get "fed up" call the Dr. and request the D&C they so adamantly did not want. I feel like saying FU&^ you, M/C - and FU, D&C. It's sort of a power struggle for me. I'd like to know wtf people did before they did u/s's. You know m/c had to exist a lot back then too! I've read of a "non-miscarriage" which is really weird, where your body just absorbs it all, and never even m/c. Eventually your levels just go down and viola! You're back to normal!
It's sort of like when there is a twin pg, and one twin dies. (early on) the body just absorbs the sac and/or fetus and you go on. Other than moving on and TTC again, why do so many jump to d&c right away? I guess I'm just a huge wimp.

Nothing new to report, just same old same old. Still a bit sore and crampy and very light brown.
Hum de hum. I'm SO torn on waiting or cytotec this weekend. You know, honestly I don't want to take the cytotec because I value my weekends SO dear and I feel like it's all going to be wasted in agony.
I feel like my Dr. isn't on the same page on waiting it out. I don't know if I care or not. I've never done this, so I don't know what the standard thing is. I know my old OB would have been much more understanding and let me do what I wanted. What *DO* I want? I don't know!!!!!!!!!

I want to be pregnant again I think. I've been thinking about this lately -- sad I know, but honestly it's been on my mind. Those first few weeks of this pregnancy were bliss. I was so happy and it just feel GREAT to be pregnant. I was looking forward to things, even passing in the baby section when I was in stores, getting all excited... ***ahhhhh***

Getting ready to watch dancing with the stars, I think Wayne is going home - we'll see. But he's horrible. Hey, maybe I can chat about other things in my life other than this BS. I will not let this M/C run my life. (is it done yet?)


Thanks to my readers....

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