Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Beta results!!!

Well, my beta # from yesterday at 2:20pm was 251! That still seems high to some, but this is coming from a beta of 51,000 on the 20th of September. I think it's gone down a LOT. Now we've just got to get this damn number below 5!
I bet you have to be near 1000 to have a natural m/c. That's just my un-professional opinion, but a lot of what I've seen.

251. Wow, what a full circle this has been. My VERY first beta was 267 on August 10th, and 48 hours later it was 585. I was so excited because they were rising so nicely, little did *I* know.

Well, this morning I'm having a lot of cramping and some very small cots. Another big gush, but none are really that big.

I'll report later...

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