I took a photo of "it"
Not for anyone to be grossed out, but for someone who was in my shoes can see what things might look like. I don't even know what this was, but it wasn't a normal blood clot coming out of me. I didn't stretch it all out, because it is quite big and I didn't want to touch it anymore, so I just took a photo of it in the cup.
Please, don't click on these links if you might feel disgusted, grossed out or offended in any way. This is really for informative purposes only. (and I'm a photographer -- I can't help it)
I'd say this was about the size of a small lemon? Or maybe a large strawberry.
I swear I feel SO much better. Those back contractions were getting to me, I even was bending over just to walk to the bathroom. Now I feel like I could go shopping! (no joke)
I'm very glad I have photos.
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I sooo wish I had taken pics of my natural m/c. I m/c'd my 4th pregnancy at 17wks and so much of what you described is exactly what I went thru. All the contractions/pains/cramps... all the bleeding and clots... to the 'gushes'! I was really having contractions and I was about to go the hospital, but wanted to go upstairs to comb my hair, get my suitcase (in case I was admitted as it was late at nite) and as I approached the last step (of 13) I felt a huge gush and couldn't get to the bathroom fast enough! I thought it was just another clot/gush of blood, but when I pulled down my pants there was a huge mass on the pad. I also had such an urge to push and I was over the toilet and another huge gush came and out came my baby! It was still attached by some of the sac to me so my baby was just dangling half in and half out of the water and I was so mortified that my baby was in the toilet! I just kept thinking that it was NOT supposed to be this way! The dr. said to come to the hospital to 'deliver' the baby and I didn't even make it there! My mom ran and got some sterile cloths we had from my son being in the hospital and the dr. (on the phone) told her to just tug and it would disconnect. She did and fished the baby out of the toilet and wrapped it in the cloths and then put it in a plastic bag to take to the hospital. I sooooo wish now that I had taken pics! I still have burned into my memory images of my baby's fingers and toes! If you can imagine the small 'skipper' type baby dolls (like 1/2 size of barbie), and you look at the size of the hands on that doll, you can imagine the size of my baby's hands. We were able to find out that it was a boy, and we named him Jeremy which means... 'God will uplift'. This tuesday, Nov. 20th is the anniversary of the date I m/c'd my precious boy and it is still hard after 3 years as it is always Thanksgiving week! The only year that I wasn't a blubbering mess was last year and I had prayed hard to God to get me thru the holiday and I found out that weekend that I was pregnant with my baby girl!!! She is truly the reason I'm getting thru it this year! I am so sorry for your loss and I'm so thankful for your blog and I know it will be helping women for many years to come. hugs to you, Cyndi
I want to thank you for sharing your story and putting up suggestions for what to do.
Your pictures were especially helpful. I went to the doctor Friday(it's always a Friday when something goes wrong, isn't it?) I am/was 8 weeks pregnant. The doctor was optimistic since I was only bleeding, and not very heavily. He told me to call him if anything changed. I didn't ask any questions, since I wanted to be optimistic too. We would just wait and find out more on Monday when we had the numbers from the blood test.
So the bleeding increased and I've had very mild cramping, but I didn't think much of it until I passed a large clot. So I called him and he never called me back. Then I decided to take a shower and passed a more dense lump into the toilet before the shower. I fished it out and couldn't make anything out of it really. I didn't know what to do with it.
My husband thinks it was probably the baby and we both kinda stared at the tissue it was in. We talked about how it's not just a dead fish or something we'll just flush. We hugged and cried and agreed whatever it was, it wasn't alive. So we flushed it.
I kinda regret it. So your pictures are very helpful to me because I've been googling pics of 8 wk fetuses and there were almost none that were a m/c blob. Cleaned up or stretched out fetuses that actually look like little babies are not what you find in an early m/c, if that's even what I had. Since you knew it was coming, you were a little more prepared(as if anyone can be prepared really).
I go for a second blood draw and an ultrasound Monday. I didn't want to go to the ER and the doctor didn't tell me much of anything of what to expect since it didn't seem extremely threatening yesterday. Maybe I should try to call him again, but there's nothing they can really do for me I guess either way, so I want to just be home.
Anyway, your pictures were similar to what I had and so I'm a bit relieved that maybe it's just mostly over. To be honest, I think I will be surprised if there is a viable baby on Monday. I just feel different.
It's not something I had to wait long for and I certainly didn't want it. It's so sad.
Thanks for describing in detail what you went through. At the very least I know my roller coaster of emotions is normal and I have a better idea of what to expect in the coming weeks if this was a miscarriage.
Hey, I just came upon your blog about the m/c/ I just went through mine last week. it took almost 2.5 weeks after diagnosis of a blighted ovum. Your description of the waiting and off and on cramping/bleeding was just like me. I wish i had taken pictures of my big clot too. It was good to see others were as against the D/C as I was. Drs made me seem like a total freak for not wanting to do it and they acted like i was deciding to perform my own brain surgery by wanting to do a natural m.c. grrr sorry for your loss. I hope you ahve since been able to have another child.
I appreciate your pictures, too. I'm going through one right now--as in, I am typing this to you while laying doubled over on the floor with a heating pad--and just passed something huge this morning and was a little surprised to not find any pics on google.
I'm hoping what I'm going through is normal but I'm going to the dr later this morning. Ugh, the pain!
I want to thank you so much for this blog and for these pictures.
I found out I was pregnant 6/20/10 (Father's Day)- my first pregnancy. My husband and I were so happy, we told everyone about it and we planning things out.
Then, when I went in for my first US (7/22) I found out that there was no heartbeat and no blood getting to the baby. Needless to say we were absolutely crushed. I had to get blood work done and another US to 100% confirm (7/28).
Today (well, technically yesterday - 8/6) I went to the OBGYN for yet another US. I told her I wanted to wait and see what happens and we scheduled another visit for 8/12.
Well tonight, at about 11:45pm, it began. Crazy strong cramping off and on - I just knew this was it. I have never in my life been in so much pain. I thought I was going to die. That must be what giving birth feels like.
Over the next 2 hours or so, everything eventually came out in three big clumps.
I was sad, but I feel so much better now. It's like now I can finally move on from this whole experience.
I just want to thank you for your blog. I started reading it pretty much 30 minutes after my miscarriage ended. Your experience is so similar to my experience in nearly every single detail.
Your pictures were helpful too, that's exactly what my "stuff" looked like. Thank you.
Thank you for the pictures they help me to put closure on what is happening to my during my miscarriage. Thank you for your bravery an helping others!Pray you have another baby!
Like the others, thanks for writing about your experience and posting the pictures.
I am 9 weeks pregnant. Well, I was 9 weeks pregnant as they found my blighted ovum dated 5 weeks 4 days.
I spotted for a week (during week 7) and then it stopped. No spotting for over a week now and I'm very frustrated waiting for this m/c to get rolling. If it doesn't happen naturally over the weekend, I will get assistance so I can move on and start trying again.
I always feel better when I know what to expect. Your pictures look worse than what I had pictured, but still good to know.
Thank you.
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