Sunday, October 7, 2007


Well, it's almost 5pm, and about 2 hours after I got up, the bleeding stopped and is back to brown. I just hope things are moving along, I'd really like to get out of the house, maybe go for a walk or something - but I just feel blah.... I put on a lifetime movie (ya!) and sat on the couch. My life starts again tomorrow with kids and things to do.

Guess I'm still waiting. I am cramping and have a lot of brown goop... I don't know what else to call it, but I get it a lot before and after AF. I made Chili this morning in the crock pot, I figured it's great for Iron, and perfect for a chilly day like today. heehehe- Chili -Chilly...

This Roller Coaster sucks! I'm ready to get off. I was reading stuff on medical/surgical mgmt, vs. expectant mgmt, and it was saying that our bodies heal much better, both before the m/c and after. Our bodies realize that we're going through this and start closing off blood vessels, and everything else. My uterus feels really "full" and bloated now. Kind of sore when I press on it. I just took 4 advil because I'm getting a pretty bad headache. I was freaked out this morning when I saw all that blood, my heart was pounding ... this unexpected stuff is what freaks me out so much.

My lord, I can't even imagine having multiple m/c's. I feel so bad for the women who have had several -- heck, even 2! Some women have them back to back... I just can't imagine.

Hugs, and I'll update later if anything else happens.

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