Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Wednesday - 8pm

If there is one thing I'd like to know -- it's WHY is every single "miscarriage story" I read pure horror? I just got done reading two more "stories" on that website I mentioned earlier, and these people make m/c'ing a 2cm sac sound like delivering a 13lb baby with no meds!
Granted I haven't had mine yet, and I don't REALLY know, but I just can't imagine.

I read stories of how these people think their "water broke" (when they had an empty sac) and then collapsed on the floor is horrible pain, pushing out a big sac the size of a lemon, ect, ect.

Good lord. Would someone find me a DECENT m/c story? I'm so tired of looking this stuff up. I know, I know -- I should just stop searching this stuff, but I'm an internet chick. I look everything up, and I'm on my computer every day. It's just something I do. I want to be fully prepared. Someone told me recently, that they think sometimes people just like telling a horror story. Man, I totally know she's right.

I'm torn on doing the cytotec this weekend or next. ONLY because our 15th wedding anniversary is next Wed, and I just don't want to do this before. Know what I mean?
I wouldn't MIND doing it this weekend, just to get this over with -- but then that would mean #1 I have to do this, when I really don't want to, and #2 I'll most likely be bleeding pretty heavy on our anniversary night, and we plan on going out to a nice dinner.

I'm still spotting more brown, today it seemed to pick up some, and my ovaries hurt! Weird.... I don't even think I want to call Dr. Insensitive and let her know I'm thinking about doing it next weekend. But, I really don't know why she'd care, she did offer to D&C me on the 16th until I told her our 15th was on the 17th.


Thanks for reading!

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