Monday, September 17, 2007

Day 1 (sort of)

Well, I had my first U/S on the 4th of September. At that time, I should've been almost 8 weeks, but my U/S showed a baby of 6w2d. That's what the Dr. Said. He said he saw a flicker of a hB, and the yolk and fetal pole. To me, it didn't look like anything baby in there - but he measured this tissue and gave it a date. (whatever)
So, the instructions were to come back in 10 days.

I went today and viola! No freaking baby. Just a nice, formed, perfectly looking gestational sac, with some "tissue" in there, and no heart tones. Isn't that lovely?
What do you do when you're feet are in stirrups, there are two Dr's in there saying how "Sorry" they were, and giving you miscarriage instructions. No wait! It wasn't miscarriage instructions, it was a "MISSED ABORTION" Isn't that nice? I sure liked that name.
Looks like you have yourself a nice looking empty sac there, Mrs. H. It's beautiful!

Well, here are my options. I can have a D&C. (no) I can have a medical miscarriage (Cytotec), or I can wait to see if I M/C naturally. Hmmm... Tough choice. Which one sounds more nice?
(can you read my sarcasm?)
I opted to wait and see - I don't know how long, maybe a week, maybe a few days. Who fucking knows. If nothing happens then I suppose I'll do the stupid "Have a bloody M/C at home and be in tons of pain" I'm terrified of having a D&C. I've never been "under" for anything, and I definitely don't want my first time to be scraping out my uterus.

So here I am. I started this blog to journal this lovely experience - maybe to give any answers to anyone else going in this, maybe to vent, maybe just to write and have fun doing so. I don't know.
I'm not sure if I'm going to TTC again. I've been thinking a lot about this today, don't ask me why I'm even going there - but I can't stop thinking about it.

I hate this. I hate the wondering, the waiting, the what if. I've never had a miscarriage before, and I'm not looking forward to it. On one hand, I want this out of me, I want to be done with this, and on the other, I don't want to have to deal with ANY of it.

I'll keep you posted..... fun times...


Savory Soy Milk said...

Thanks for your post. I am now waiting (been waiting for 7 days now) for my MISSED MISCARRIAGE to actually happen. I have 3 weeks to do this naturally or D&C (recommended by the dr). I want it to happen soon. I hate this waiting.....

Anonymous said...

I am going through the same thing right now. They told me I would be miscarrying more than likely because we never saw a baby, and now growth in a month. Having to wait is just torture. I grieve for a baby that hasn't passed, and when it does, i will have to all over again.

Unspoken Words said...

This is a relief to read about someone else experiencing this type of grief and torment I just found out yesterday I have a "threatened miscarriage" so now all I can do I wait to see what happens its the worse feeling in the world to know your baby is dead inside you and you have to wait until it comes out of you...

Unknown said...

Dear friends it is almost two months now since i order a pregnancy spell cast on me from this email i saw in a website on how he help a couple to get pregnant and i contacted him which i started seeing changes on my body since the first week of last month and it two months and i am carrying my own baby in my womb i am so happy that i finally get pregnant after all i have been through. contact him for any problems you are having, he will surely provide you a solution, All thanks be to him

ilotrl12 said...

glad I found this blog. I too am waiting to have a miscarriage. I had an ultrasound at eight weeks that showed an empty sac. The baby stopped growing at five weeks and five days. This sucks.

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