Sunday, September 30, 2007


Not a lot going on here today - or all this week for that matter. I have no spotting, no bleeding, and a tad bit of cramping, but honestly I can't tell if they're normal uterus type-pregnancy-type cramping. Nothing too serious.

I'm thinking about doing the cytotec this coming Friday. My Kids are home from school, and I think I'd like this over with. It's funny, honestly - I don't even mind waiting. I'd wait for a while like this, because the decisions I have to make regarding this suck! Whatever I choose, I have to be brave. And as I've said before, I can't do the d&c.

Soooooooooooo Here I am! Waiting and waiting... waiting for a period to start, blood, cramps.... Anything. WHY my body is holding on to this I have no clue, especially since I'm sort of emotionally done, like I know I'm not pregnant, I've dealt with it (the best I can) and I just want it over with. I feel normal, and I'm not looking forward to this!!!!

Ok... so, I'll update later.

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