Monday, October 22, 2007

Monday morning - 9 days past m/c

I'm light bleeding/spotting brown now. But know not to trust that and put on a panti-liner. I made that mistake last week and mid-day started bleeding pretty heavy.
Still thinking about TTC again, and if I'm going to go through with it. It's not an easy choice to make, though I'd love to be pregnant again -- I just can't imagine the paranoia in the 1st trimester next time.

Oh also, I was reviewing my paperwork from last Thursday, and it says "COMPLETE ABORTION - Primary" - Yes, in caps, and yes those harsh words!
So, apparently, ladies -- I had a complete abortion. [insert puke icon] I know they have to use proper medical terms, but when you've suffered infertility, AND a devastating miscarriage, those really aren't they right choice of words. Goodness... Horrible!


I think I'm going to go Wednesday to have my beta drawn again. I hope it's gone down a lot!

My heart goes out to any of you who are reading this, and who have been given a recent m/c diagnosis. It's such a hard time, but it does get better.

The picture in my title is from the roses DH gave me for our anniversary, aren't they gorgeous?


1 comment:

PatientlyWaitingMary said...

I loved the roses! Also, I know that the total abortion does sound harsh but I think that may be a good sign that you won't be needing a d&c. That is something I'm getting a little worried about now but I guess we'll just have to wait it out. Keep updating me!


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