Saturday, October 13, 2007

I only have a minute

But I wanted to post.

It really, really, really, really started.

I am in a significant amount of pain - it's the contractions. When women used to mention contractions for a m/c, I just thought they meant cramping. Well, it is cramping, but it comes and goes like labor. This feels a LOT like labor with my daughters. Not the end of labor where you're screaming, but early-mid labor. The contractions don't last nearly as long though. Maybe about 12 seconds or so? I don't know, about 4am I tried to time them, and they were coming every 2 minutes at that time.

I just popped 4 advil, because honestly I'm afraid to take the percocet. I just don't want to be out of it too much.

I'm bleeding a lot like a really heavy period, but the cramping is very strong. So much I was moaning during the night while sleeping -- it would wake me in pain, so not like my period cramps.

The best way to be is in the fetal position. Sitting here typing this, each time I have one, it presses on my pubic bone or something -- it's horrible.

I've had a cough for the past couple of weeks, when maybe is good in this time, because it's causing me to expel things. There was a pretty big plop in the toilet last night, but it was like 3am, and you know -- I don't know how they want you to collect the products of conception. The entire toilet bowel is red. I can't even SEE anything, not to mention there is usually pee in there.
I'd say if you're really bent on collecting this, get yourself a cheap strainer at the dollar store and use it when you go to the restroom.

I really hope this cramping doesn't last ALL day long. I'm already tired of this, and the fact that it kept me up quite a bit last night doesn't help with how tired I feel.

I'll update later, I have GOT to lay down. Make sure you're laying down for most of a m/c. Really sitting up doesn't feel good at all.


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