Saturday, October 6, 2007

Nothing yet!

Here it is now, Saturday morning and nada... Just still cramping and lt brown spotting. I bet I'll be doing cytotec this coming weekend. You know, another thing my Dr. said that irritated me was she wanted me to do ANOTHER dose of the med 24 hrs after the 1st. I said "even if everything comes out" She said, yes.
That seems awfully traumatic for my system to do a double dose of that. Don't you think?
I think I'll play it by ear. If I see a lot come out, then I'm not doing a 2nd dose. For what? So I can spend TWO days in pain? Uhhhh no thanks!
Oh well........ Another day. On the positive side, I can enjoy my weekend a bit more than I was planning. I have some yard work to do. Who knows, maybe it'll get something going. I sort of feel like a 9m pregnant woman trying to bring on labor. - Another sick irony.

I hope anyone reading this in the same situation can relate some. As I said before, this blog is good for me. It helps to get this out, and maybe someone going through the same thing will find information in all of this. At least some comfort that someone else is going through the same emotions that I am.

until later.

1 comment:

Maddie's Momma said...

I AM going through this right now, and I'm so happy I came across your blog. You are helping me and I appreciate it. The waiting... and I just feel so gross... almost flu-like. It so comforting to read about someone else's experience. Thank you.

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