Sunday, October 28, 2007

Over 2 weeks since my m/c

Today the spotting finally seems to be stopping. It's very light. For the past few days it's been coming out dark brown, with little tiny bits of tissue. Today seems to be tapering off. Finally!
It's hard to believe that it's been 2 weeks since the m/c. I know in a couple more weeks I'm going to be most likely having a heavy period, and that I'm sure will bug me. The fact that it'll be a reminder of the whole m/c, and not being pregnant -- but then again, It'll be a fresh start, and clean out my uterus.
Other than that -- things are good. I'm really hoping this weeks beta is NEGATIVE! I don't want any hcg left in my body. I want it all gone.

I've been thinking a lot about what to do with my blog. I'd like to start a journal, of ttc, thoughts, everything. But I'd also like to leave this one up for people going through the hell I did. I'm not sure what to do? Any thoughts? This blog is such a resource for those going through a m/c, and I don't want to bury it with everything else, then again - they'd just have to go back.
Hmmm.. Not sure. I'll have to think about that one. Might add a new blog to my user name, and those who want to read up on me can do so.

A lot of time I have the whole "Why did this happen to me" thoughts. It still blows my mind that I had a miscarriage, even though I know how extremely common it is. Other than the typical sad emotions of losing a baby, the entire process was very surreal and very involved.

Well, I'm off to the pumpkin patch today.


PatientlyWaitingMary said...

I think you should leave this blog for strickly the m/c and the pains that it brought you and start a new one. Your blog was a great place for me to turn, when I did find it I had to start reading from the end and go up and it took me a while but I didn't want to miss a thing.

I think that the women that are going through this that will be looking for resources will probably do the same thing and if you bury the info it may get to cumbersome to go all the way through it.

Plus, if you start a new one that may be a good place to start fresh and new. That is probably a good idea after going through such a long ordeal.

Let me know, I'm curious what you decide.

Here's to praying that the levels are in the red!!


One_of_Billions said...

Thank you so much for taking the initiative to blog your experience. It took a few weeks of searching online and I am so glad I found it. It's been almost a month since I got my very first BFP. I've had 3 u/s and all have showed only a sac. I switched to a new obgyn for my pregnancy and unfortunately had a very bad first experience. The ob didn't give me explanations and treated me more like I was trespassing than actuallh trying to create life. There was no compassion for the apparent loss. My hcg seemed to match the size of the sac but after the second u/s the ob concluded no baby had formed and wanted me to come in two days later for a d&c. According to lmp I was 9 wks, but hcg was 4 wks. I strictly declined the d&c. For my 3rd u/s that I demanded I met another ob at the practice. He was compassionate to my experience yet shared his expertise and time with me. I left with his assurance that I will survive a natural m/c and will most likely go on to have a healthy pregnancy. The reason I'm going into specifics with you about my experience is because it takes people like you who are willing to share your experience to change the way people and doctors deal with miscarriage. I am very disturbed with having to wait for this loss to begin, but I am so horrified with the way I was first treated like I had the plague. I hope you went on to bear a healthy child after what you endured. I am very thankful to you that I was able to experience it through your blog before I get there myself. I started wiping red and spotting brown yesterday. It's been 5 days since my last u/s and I would by either 7 weeks or 11 according to my lmp. I'll complete my m/c bag tonight with the supplies you suggested. Thank you very much.

Tiffany said...

your blog has helped me SO much! i just started my natural m/c a few days ago and its so nice to read your experience and kinda know what to expect. i hope you leave it up forever.

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